STEM Outreach

I will be posting the different types of STEM outreach that I have done.


District 34 STEM Day

Last Friday Springman and Attea came to GBS High School to learn about STEM opportunities at the school. I was paired up with two 8th grade students from Springman. First, we did an instant challenge for the engineering side. We had a specific amount of money to buy certain materials like spoons, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, and rubber bands. We had to make a trebuchet that shoots marshmallows into different size cups. Points were awarded when a marshmallow was shot into a cup. Our trebuchet worked very well and we got two out of our five marshmallows in the smallest cup. For the physics part, we taught the students we were paired up with how to code using python. All the engineering high school students taught the middle schoolers how to make different shapes and we completed different challenges by using shapes. I think all the students learned a lot about the Science and Engineering Learning Community, STEM, and high school in general. I had a lot of fun teaching the students I was paired up with and it was a great experience.