Pimp Your Pumpkin: An Arduino jack-o-lantern

In class we are working on the project Pimp Your Pumpkin. I bought a pumpkin and carved it. The next day I brought it to school and I started working on the arduino part of it. The main part of the project is to have LEDs inside the pumpkin and when somebody comes close the lights turn from yellow to red. I got through that part in one day of class and it took the entire period. My goal for the next class was to add a speaker so it also makes noise when somebody comes close and to make it look like the lights are flickering. The next day in class I was able to allow the arduino to create a noise when the red LED is lighting. This also took me the entire class period so I wasn’t able to make it look like the LEDs were flickering. I am happy with what I was able to get accomplished and I learned a lot about arduinos during this project.

Here is my code.

Here is my code for the Pimp Your Pumpkin LEDs and the buzzer.

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